Mom Stuff


Good Morning everyone! Sorry I missed yesterday, I was sort of busy and frankly, didn’t really know what to write about. We had church in the morning and then baking a cake for my daughter’s birthday party and of course the Buccaneer’s game. Yes, I only watched the 1st half and they were great then, […]

Fear Read More »

The Big 3-4!!!

Today is my 34th Birthday, I just love Birthdays- it is a celebration of LIFE!!! God-given LIFE!!! I thought I would share a little journal entry I scribbled for the Lord on my birthday (see below)- in hopes that it might bless someone or give someone a boost of encouragement today! XO 34 Years Lord,

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Hello! I have had this on my heart this week and thought I would share it with you! We had two family friends die in a car accident this week. They were not just any friends, they were the kind of people who dramatically impacted countless people’s lives on a daily bases. They were the

Legacy! Read More »


There are times in my own little mommy bubble that I need a major dose of perspective. I am caught up in all of my “stuff” and BAM, the Lord shows me something that puts it all in perspective! I thought maybe some of you could gain encouragement from my “moment”- I am SO extremely

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