
Hello! I have had this on my heart this week and thought I would share it with you! We had two family friends die in a car accident this week. They were not just any friends, they were the kind of people who dramatically impacted countless people’s lives on a daily bases. They were the

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Birthday Dinner!

I know I discussed my pumpkin party being the next post- however, we had the pumpkin party and I took 0 pictures of the actual pumpkin painting! It was chaos! I did take some food pics…of course..so that post will have to wait until after our little birthday/house warming party this weekend.For today, I decided

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Recipe Monday: BREAD!

My Friend Mindy- who always pulls through with amazing recipes- sent me two bread recipes to share with you! Enjoy! Zucchini Bread3 eggs2 c. sugar1 c. vegetable oil1 T vanilla2 c. grated zucchini2 c. flour1 T. cinnamon1 tsp. salt2 tsp baking soda¼ tsp. baking powderBeat eggs until frothy. Beat in sugar, vegetable oil and vanilla.

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There are times in my own little mommy bubble that I need a major dose of perspective. I am caught up in all of my “stuff” and BAM, the Lord shows me something that puts it all in perspective! I thought maybe some of you could gain encouragement from my “moment”- I am SO extremely

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Give it up!

Hello friends, happy first day of lent! The dates for lent this year are 2/22-4/5 (Easter is on 4/8). As I explained last year (see below), I know it is not “required” for me to give anything up for lent, when Christ died for me there were no strings attached, nothing required of me to

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